Goudou Goudou – the ignored voices of the Haitian reconstruction

Goudou Goudou – the ignored voices of the Haitian reconstruction is a web-documentary describing post-earthquake Haiti through the voices of the Haitian population, namely those who have faced the toughest conditions since the 12 January, waiting for aid month after month and no possibility to voice their needs.

The documentary focuses on five main topics of reconstruction, each narrated through the voice, work and feelings of a Haitian reporter working for a local radio. Each reporter becomes the link, the necessary intermediary to understand the local point of view on existing problems, and a more intimate view of Haiti.

Each topic represents a key angle to look at Haiti’s reconstruction: “Life in the camps”, “Debris and reconstruction”, “Health and cholera”, “Impact of NGOs”, and “Art with a Cause”.

Giordano Cossu author of the web-documentary Goudou Goudou – the ignored voices of the Haitian reconstruction