The spread of information via social networks has added new challenges to the journalistic profession. So far, there are few tools that are "made for journalism" and support verification in a collaborative way. That is why, based on numerous discussions with journalists and findings from the European research project REVEAL, Deutsche Welle and Athens Technology Centre joined forces to develop Truly Media, a collaboration tool for UGC verification.

This session discusses aspects of UGC verification and focuses on showcasing Truly Media. We will explain the concept behind Truly Media: How does it support your current workflow? How can journalists get organized around UGC? And how does the platform support verification? Have a look for yourself and - if you like - sign up to become a beta tester.

Due to a technical issue the streaming will not be available during the workshop. However, the video will be available on demand in the next hours.

Note: Truly Media is receiving financial support from Google's DNI.