KIDS ACADEMY is the section of the festival dedicated to children and youngsters. A place in which to develop digital citizenship, media literacy and coding skills through workshops, games and discussions aimed at small and large digital explorers from 6 to 18 years of age. Together we will learn to live the web positively, with the aim too of developing fact-checking skills.

For teenagers aged 14 to 18.

Can photography lie? And video? Photomontage and video editing in the digital age have facilitated a process of falsification of reality that already occurred with analog communication. We will test together some tools to verify the reliability of the news in the so-called post-truth era. We will then become producers of visual content, photos and images on the move, for Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

A cura di KIDSBIT – Playing Contemporary. KIDSBIT è un progetto di DENSA Cooperativa Sociale rivolto ai bambini di oggi e di domani. Il festival, i centri estivi e i laboratori che KIDSBIT propone dentro e fuori la scuola sperimentano approcci innovativi in grado di valorizzare le attitudini dei bambini e dei ragazzi sviluppando competenze trasversali legate all’uso consapevole e creativo delle nuove tecnologie.
