Delhi police search journalists’ homes, transforming media development, and why is 20-year-old LinkedIn now cool?

The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletterby following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.

Delhi police search journalists’ homes. The electronic devices – laptops and telephones – of several journalists were seized. In total, 37 men and nine women were questioned by the Delhi police.

Transforming media development – recommendations for effective funding and collaboration. A GFMD report on the challenges that news orgs from Eastern Europe, Asia and South America face on a daily basis in their attempts to raise funds and live up to donor expectations on reporting and accountability.

Why is 20-year-old LinkedIn now cool? LinkedIn’s editor-in-chief Daniel Roth explains how the platform is prioritising and promoting news.

AI use cases: how genAI summaries are boosting Daily Maverick’s readership. Examples of how news organisations are employing generative AI are emerging daily and news summaries offer a useful, relatively non-contentious entry point. Here’s how South Africa’s Daily Maverick went about offering readers short versions of their top stories.

Press freedom groups find Greek authorities failed to investigate journalist murders. Impunity in the cases of Sokratis Giolias and Giorgios Karaivaz underscores decline in media freedom in Greece.

Long-term financial support for Ukrainian media and journalists. This White Paper, crafted jointly with Ukrainian media organisations and support entities and at their request, appeals to donors, policymakers, and other stakeholders in advocating for long-term financial support for Ukrainian media.

International mission statement: Turkey’s press freedom crisis deepens amid earthquake and national elections. Five international press freedom and journalism groups conclude press freedom mission to Turkey.

New media law will be ‘major warning signal’ for EU countries. The upcoming set of new rules could eventually make a difference, with its new transparency and independence obligations and the increased scrutiny to which it subjects detrimental media conglomerates and laws affecting the EU’s media landscape.

‘I’m patient zero of losing my reputation online’: Taylor Lorenz talks to Monica Lewinsky. The millennial tech journalist speaks with the activist about surviving merciless harassment, the media’s double standards on gender, and why they still have hope. Lewinsky describes herself as “patient zero of losing my reputation online. I went to bed one night a private person, and the next day I was known by the entire world. That couldn’t have happened without the internet.” Lorenz, meanwhile, cannot remember a time, as an adult, when she did not have her own social media platform.

Australian site learns from new generation of U.S. news startups. Capital Brief is a new breed of news site in Australia that is unashamedly built on lessons from the new generation of American news businesses, growing from highly focused and high-quality journalism rather than reach and a click-based dependency on advertising.

New media NGOs shaping Russian journalism. “I think that independent Russian journalism has no other option now but to operate as non-commercial projects … Media-NGOs are a golden mean of sorts, as long as our values coincide [with those of our donors] and there is no pressure on the journalism side.”

In defense of aggressive small-town newspapers. The prevalence of “news deserts” has apparently led some to think it’s normal for neighborhood news outlets to function as lapdogs rather than watchdogs.

Photo credit: by jyothi kumar on Unsplash