Opening of Jimmy Lai’s historic national security trial, YouTube is last bastion of unbiased journalism in India, and call for protection of journalists in Israel-Gaza war

The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletterby following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.

Hong Kong: opening of Jimmy Lai’s historic national security trial. A delegation from Reporters Without Borders traveled to Hong Kong to monitor the opening of the historic national security trial of Apple Daily publisher Jimmy Lai, a symbol of press freedom who faces the rest of his life behind bars on spurious charges.

YouTube is the last bastion of unbiased journalism in India. As Narendra Modi’s government clamps down on the free press, top journalists are going solo to report unbiased news.

A call to action for protection of journalists in Israel-Gaza war. At this dark hour, CPJ stands with journalists, whose daily work keeps us informed with facts that shed light on the human condition and help to hold power to account. We ask that leaders across the world uphold their international commitments, preserve human rights, and defend the rule of law by supporting journalists and press freedom.

Interview with Paul Caruana Galizia. The journalist Paul Caruana Galizia talks about his mother Daphne Caruana Galizia, a campaigning journalist in Malta who was assassinated by car bomb in October 2017; her family have campaigned for years for justice for their mother, the subject of his book ‘A Death in Malta: An Assassination and a Family’s Quest for Justice’.

Eliot Higgins: the man who verifies. The founder of the Bellingcat website has changed investigative journalism. His open-source sleuthing has unmasked assassins and humiliated dictators. But as internet lies spread ever faster, can his team keep pace?  

Content from our partner McKinsey & Company

How will the advent of generative AI affect Black communities?
While it has the potential to widen the racial economic gap in the United States, generative AI could also yield equitable benefits for Black and other marginalized groups if deployed thoughtfully.

2024 Sigma Awards for data journalism. Striding into its fifth year, the Sigma Awards celebrates the best data journalism from around the world. Entries are now open and data journalists worldwide have until 17 January 2024 to apply.

Twenty findings from the Reuters Institute’s research in 2023 still relevant in 2024. From trust in news and social media to AI and changing newsrooms, our research have covered key issues in the past 12 months.

Ten defining events in news media in 2023. A snapshot of developments in European and global media.

The Journalism Value Survey. We’re mapping how well independent public interest media in Europe are converting their public value into financial value, and we need you to be a part of that picture. Take part in the most in-depth survey to-date on the state of independent public interest media in Europe, and help us all become more sustainable.

Argentina’s new president wants to privatise public media. But will he be able to do it? “The fact that there are things in which public media has to improve does not mean it should no longer exist.”

Q&A: Alexa Koenig on the potential and pitfalls of open source investigations. Koenig is co-faculty director of the Human Rights Center and director of its Investigations Lab, as well as an adjunct professor at the UC Berkeley School of Law. Recently, she spoke about the promises and challenges of OSINT for journalism, training students in the method, and why the field needs a code of ethics.

Photo credit: #ijf23 panel discussion entitled Media freedom, democracy and the rule of law in Hong Kong: the case of Jimmy Lai and Apple Daily by Francesco Cuoccio.