Journalism trends and predictions 2024, the New York Times sues OpenAI, and were journalists Hamza Al Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya targeted in Israeli drone strike?

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Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2024. Respondents to the RISJ media industry survey included 76 editors-in-chief, 65 CEOs or managing directors, and 53 heads of digital or innovation and came from some of the world’s leading traditional media companies as well as digital-born organisations.

The New York Times sued OpenAI. OpenAI says that isn’t the whole story. The suit alleges that OpenAI used millions of Times articles to train “automated chatbots that now compete with the news outlet as a source of reliable information,” and in so doing has tried to “free-ride on the Times’s massive investment in its journalism.”

CPJ calls for probe into whether Hamza Al Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya were targeted in strike. “The killings of journalists Hamza Al Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya must be independently investigated, and those behind their deaths must be held accountable. The continuous killings of journalists and their family members by Israeli army fire must end: journalists are civilians, not targets,”

Israel is murdering Palestinian journalists in Gaza. Where is the outrage? The pattern of killing cannot be denied. Is there a lack of sympathy because the victims aren’t American or European?

This Brazilian fact-checking org uses a ChatGPT-esque bot to answer reader questions. “Instead of giving a list of URLs that the user can access — which requires more work for the user — we can answer the question they asked.”

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Serving on a board
can provide many opportunities for personal and professional growth but the process could be confusing and even intimidating. Here are six steps to becoming a board member.

La Gordiloca goes to court. An unconventional citizen journalist stands up for free speech by suing the Laredo public officials who had her arrested.

Daily Maverick experiments with in-house AI solutions while learning from its editors. The idea was simple: Take this new-fangled GPT thing and use it to summarise the news. How hard could it be?

IJ4EU rebooted: €2M in grants for cross-border journalism in Europe. The Investigative Journalism for Europe fund is back with a new and improved programme of support for watchdog reporting.

How journalists can protect against Slapp cases and other legal threats. SLAPPs are a legal instrument used by powerful and influential people or entities to muzzle their critics from publishing materials considered critical.

Misinformation: how fact-checking journalism is evolving – and having a real impact on the world. It is important to counter false claims and false narratives. And research now shows a lot more clarity about how to do this.

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