At least 27 journalists killed in Israel-Gaza conflict, negligible effects on NPR of leaving Twitter, and impact on media freedom of opposition win in Poland election

The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletterby following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.

Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict. As of 26 October, at least 27 journalists have been killed since the war began on 7 October.

Six months ago NPR left Twitter. The effects have been negligible. The numbers confirm what many of us have long suspected — that Twitter wasn’t worth the effort, at least in terms of traffic.

Opposition wins Poland election. To discuss the potential outcomes for media freedom in Poland following a likely upcoming change in government, IPI spoke to Aleksandra Sobczak, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s leading daily newspaper, which has itself supported the opposition’s bid for power as part of a demand to restore fully-fledged respect of media freedom in the country.

Behind the editors’ note on Gaza hospital coverage. Joe Kahn, the executive editor of The New York Times, speaks to Lulu Garcia-Navarro about The Times’ early coverage of an explosion at a hospital in Gaza City, and where the paper fell short.

As misinformation surges during the Israel-Hamas war, where is AI? Despite the panic about generative artificial intelligence, deepfakes have not been a major factor in the flood of falsehoods during the conflict.

Dirty Deeds: Tales of Global Crime and Corruption. Exposing a former Czech PM’s offshore finances. Pavla Holcová was greeted with an avalanche of threats when she woke up one morning. Her country’s former prime minister had publicly accused her of being a paid agent to undermine his re-election campaign.

Agriculture is key in Nigeria. These two outlets are trying to keep farmers informed. Good coverage of agricultural events is difficult to find. FFF and Lavun Community Radio are trying to change that.

Is Julian Assange a ‘journalist’? Here’s why it doesn’t matter. No matter how much you might dislike Assange, his conviction would enable future administrations to target the journalists you do like. Even if your favorite journalists never end up being charged, the mere possibility will force them to tread cautiously when investigating government secrets.

How might we build trust in an untrusting world? Considering the challenge of polarization in digital societies.

‘Squid Fleet’ takes you into the opaque world of Chinese fishing. The film by Ed Ou and Will N. Miller uses a fictional narrative based on investigative reporting, and real footage, to capture gritty work at sea.

The end of photographic truth. Who you gonna believe? Me or your own lying Ais.

Three audience trends to be ahead of the curve in your reader revenue model. Get your readers registered, embrace a dynamic paywall that would consider the needs of each reader, prioritise lifetime value.

Image credit: by Constantin on Unsplash