Motaz Azaiza showed the world what Palestinians endure in war, Iranian journalism alive but hanging by a thread, and is Ukraine’s information war turning on its own journalists?

The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletterby following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.

Journalist Motaz Azaiza showed the world what Palestinians endure in war. Now he’s left Gaza. Azaiza became a go-to voice for people seeking first-hand reporting from Gaza. His Instagram account grew from a reported 25,000 followers before the outset of the violence to more than 18.2 million.

In Iran, journalism is still alive but hanging by a thread. President Ebrahim Raisi is leaving no stone unturned to ensure his country dethrones North Korea as the most inhospitable place for reporters.

Is Ukraine’s information war turning on its own journalists? Olga Rudenko, editor-in-chief of the Kyiv Independent, said that the government response to current cases of harassment is a “litmus test,” and that any failure to react would constitute a “green light to attack journalists.”

Afghanistan: an online magazine for women. Brave Afghan women are advocating for their rights under the rule of the radical Taliban. The online magazine Zan Times, published by a group of female Afghan journalists, aims to inform the public.

How the government captured the BBC. A right-wing cabal, largely unaccountable, is waging war on the principles that made our public broadcaster great. It must not succeed. By Alan Rusbridger.

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Photo credit: Motaz Azaiza in a photograph shared on his Facebook page