Nieman Lab predictions for journalism in 2022, 21 findings from Reuters Institute research in 2021, and Palawan authorities rezone forest to allow mining

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Nieman Lab Predictions for Journalism 2022. Each year, we ask some of the smartest people in journalism and media what they think is coming in the next 12 months. At the end of a trying 2021, here’s what they had to say.

21 findings from the Reuters Institute’s research in 2021 still relevant in 2022. From reader revenue to trust in news and newsroom diversity, our researchers have covered key issues in the past 12 months.

Palawan authorities rezone forest to allow mining. A nickel mine is on the brink of a major expansion in Mt. Bulanjao, a rainforest system considered by indigenous peoples as their ancestral home and protected by a Palawan conservation law. This story was produced by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism in partnership with the Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Investigations Network and NBC News.

Dmitry Muratov Nobel Lecture. Nobel Lecture given by Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2021 Dmitry Muratov, Oslo, 10 December 2021.

Maria Ressa Nobel Lecture. Nobel Lecture given by Nobel Peace Prize laureate 2021 Maria Ressa, Oslo, 10 December 2021.

Journalists’ Nobel Peace Prize casts a shadow on failures of our democracy. Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov were honoured today. But 2021 has also seen record numbers of journalists jailed.

Content from our partner McKinsey & Company

What happens when work disappears?
A new book shines a light on race, class, and American values, as well as how jobs inform identity and drive powerful social-justice movements. Go behind the scenes with its Pulitzer Prize-winning author in the latest from McKinsey’s Author Talks. Read the interview.

Straight from the top. How state-sponsored trolling in Malta paved the way for a journalist’s murder.

RSF condemns the UK High Court’s decision allowing for Julian Assange’s extradition to the US.“We condemn today’s decision, which will prove historic for all the wrong reasons. We fully believe that Julian Assange has been targeted for his contributions to journalism, and we defend this case because of its dangerous implications for the future of journalism and press freedom around the world,” said RSF Secretary-General Christophe Deloire.

The mission to save truth. A new fund wants to raise one billion dollars to save independent journalism around the world.

Blended capital funding for independent media: an innovation by European philanthropy. Providing a policy environment that secures a free flow of quality information is a critical part of “democracy’s information infrastructure”, which provides transparency, accountability and an informed citizenry that has a say in how it is governed. So, while a law is needed to maintain the independence of independent news media, I believe another component is needed to maintain this infrastructure: access to the right type of capital.

The Guardian hits 1m paying digital readers, including 500,000 outside the UK. Unlike other large publishers, the Guardian has a free-to-access website. Digital subscribers pay for extra apps, while recurring contributors choose to donate to “protect the Guardian’s independence” and help it continue to deliver “quality journalism that’s open for everyone around the world”.

A limiting lens: how vaccine misinformation has influenced Hispanic conversations online. Little is known about how misinformation narratives emerge specifically in relation to Hispanic communities, how they circulate and how they ultimately affect people’s health choices. Yet understanding these dynamics is critical to creating strategies that dispel misleading information and help distribute quality information to those who need it most.

Photo credit: by stokpic via Pixabay