YouFestival: become a #ijf25 speaker

If you wish to participate as a speaker in #ijf25, send in your proposal using the form below. The deadline for receipt of proposals is 31 December 2024. If your proposal is accepted, you will receive a reply from by the close of Friday 10 January 2025. If your proposal is not accepted, you will not receive a reply.

    First name (required)

    Surname (required)

    Email address (required)

    Town/city and country of residence (required)

    Your proposal can be for one of the following formats: panel discussion, presentation, workshop, interview, other. Please include in your proposal the title, a brief description and the speaker(s). Please make only one proposal per form. If you wish to make more than one proposal, use a different form for each proposal.
    > For a panel discussion the standard number of speakers is 3 plus moderator (please indicate the 3 speakers and the moderator in your proposal). The standard duration of a panel discussion is 50 minutes.
    > For a presentation or workshop the standard number of speakers is 1 or 2 (no moderator is necessary). The duration of a presentation or a workshop is flexible.
    > For an interview the standard set-up is one interviewer and one interviewee. The standard duration of an interview is 25 minutes.

    I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy (required)