future12 selected journalism projects

Here are the 12 journalism projects that have been selected for future12:

Blottr – citizen journalism

CCT SeeCity – a network of young journalists and bloggers

Citizenside – a citizen journalism platform with a gamification strategy

Etalia – a personalized news platform with a new business model for news producers

Le News e Gli Italiani – a research project on how Italians consume news

Mestre Facile – a pilot local news app idea

PeopleStat – a 2.0 web poll service add-on for news websites

Ping the World – a project to bring citizen journalism content to the ebook market

Scoopinion – a discovery news engine

Sourcefabric – open source news software

Vis4Search-News – a visual news search engine

Work in Sapiens – a hyperlocal university news website project

Each presentation will last 12 minutes. The number 12 has been chosen to coincide with the year. At the 2013 festival each presentation will last 13 minutes.

The event will be structured as follows: 3 presentations one after the other and then a 15-minute Q&A session between the audience and the 3 presenters. This set will be repeated 4 times. So a total of 12 presentations will be made in the 4-hour event. The event will be hosted by Luca Conti and Johanna Vehkoo. The presentations will be in English or in Italian. Simultaneous translation will be offered.

An informal festival jury will select an overall winner and any others worthy of special mention. The winner (and possibly others worthy of mention) will have his/her project posted on the festival social networks and website and will be invited to return to the 2013 festival as a speaker.

The future12 presentations event will take place in Perugia on Sunday 29 April 2012 from 09.00 to 13.00 in the Sala Raffaello of the Hotel Brufani during the International Journalism Festival. All welcome.