The challenge of the digital: @CJR and @ONA events at the festival

In a scenario of instability, in editorial and professional terms, one of the certainties on the future of journalism is the growing importance of the role of the Internet, social networks and digital in general. The “paper” readership base is increasingly shrinking, leading to the extinction of a class of users who will soon be supplanted by digital readers accustomed to another type of consumption, and able to interpret the new hybrid role of prosumer. The fundamental role played by the advertisers should not be forgotten, which in this historical moment profess new ideas of returning investment to this field. However, all of this has yet to be explored.

For the creation and monetization of content, for newsgathering, publication and subsequent discussion, Internet will inevitably take on an ever more central role. The International Journalism Festival will see leading specialists discuss this evolution as part of a series of events organized in association with the Columbia Journalism Review online and the Online News Association.

The CJR is a review published by the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York. It is one of the most prestigious magazines in the American and international industry sector, and it has one of the most updated, interesting and insightful websites regarding the world of journalism. This year “Columbia Journalism Review” events are:

Getting smart about social media with Eric Carvin social media editor Associated Press, Mark Johnson The Economist, Sue Llewellyn digital strategy consultant, Massimo Mantellini journalist and blogger and Justin Peters editor

Innovating in tough situations with Matthew Eltringham BBC College of Journalism, Paul Lewis The Guardian, Mark Little founder and CEO Storyful, Justin Peters editor and Luca Sofri founder

Business models 2.0 – beyond advertising with Marco Bardazzi La Stampa, Garrett Goodman Worldcrunch, Gabriel Kahn Annenberg Journalism School University of Southern California and Justin Peters editor

Toward smarter, better online content with Adam Baker founder Blottr, Justin Peters editor, Francesco Piccinini editor Fanpage, Aron Pilhofer editor interactive news The New York Times and Doree Shafrir executive editor Buzzfeed.

The Online News Association (ONA) is the largest association of journalists in the world with regard to digital news. This year it will be present at the International Journalism Festival with six events regarding “Digital Evolution: Staying ahead of the Curve”:

In times of transition: a vision for moving forward with Eric Carvin social media editor Associated Press, Gregory Galant co-founder & CEO Sawhorse Media and Mario Tedeschini Lalli Gruppo L’Espresso

Ethical aggregation with Steve Buttry digital transformation editor Digital First Media and Marina Petrillo director Radio Popolare

What’s the ROI of your reporting? with Anthony De Rosa social media editor Reuters and Sergio Maistrello journalist and author

Twitter masterclass: advanced tools and tricks for journalists with Barbara Sgarzi journalist and author and Mario Tedeschini Lalli Gruppo L’Espresso

Free (or cheap) tools for digital journalists with Carlo Felice Dalla Pasqua editor and Mario Tedeschini Lalli Gruppo L’Espresso

Mobile tools for the multimedia journalist with Rosa Maria Di Natale journalist and Mario Tedeschini Lalli Gruppo L’Espresso