The future in high-quality journalism: ijf15 day 3

Among the main issues emerging from Buzzflow analysis on the third Festival day is the discussion about the future of journalism. New business models, able to combine high-quality content with the engagement of readers’ community, have become crucial. This topic was in the focus of the panel “New business models for journalism”, dedicated to the cases of Blendle and De Correspondent.

The right strategy seems to be focused on quality. The demand for investigations and long formats does exist: readers not only accept paid sources of information, but play the important role in the selection of topics. From this perspective, it is necessary to create a community and to give it credit.

The future is about constructive journalism and the content of important social value.

The future of journalism is making better journalism by paying attention to content, but also choosing the right form to tell the story, the most appropriate one in the digital era.

The high level of interest in the panel with Edward Snowden was a reflection not only of the topic itself but mainly for symbolic value of his struggle for the freedom of individuals.