Carlo Greppi

historian and author

Carlo Greppi, an award-winning historian and author, is one of the founders of the Deina Association, which carries out training courses in collaboration with schools and universities. With a PhD in Historical Studies from the University of Turin, he is a member of the scientific committee of the Ferruccio Parri National Institute, which coordinates the network of institutes for the history of the Resistance and the contemporary age. For the Laterza publishing house he curates the Fact-checking: la storia alla prova dei fatti series of publications. He has contributed to RAI Storia and RAI Radio 3.

He is the author of L'ultimo treno. Racconti del viaggio verso il Lager (2012), Uomini in grigio. Storie di gente comune nell’Italia della guerra civile (2016), 25 aprile 1945 (2018), Bruciare la frontiera (2018), L'età dei muri. Breve storia del nostro tempo (2019), L'antifascismo non serve più a niente (2020) and La storia sei tu. 1000 anni in 20 nonni (2021).

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