Margo Smit is an independent investigative journalist, journalism teacher and (part-time) director of the Dutch-Flemish Association of Investigative Journalists VVOJ. She received her Masters degree in Communication (specialization journalism) from Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA. She researched, wrote and produced documentaries in Dutch and English, both for Dutch public television and for international sales. Subjects were nuclear proliferation, enlargement of the European Union, counterfeiting of the euro, the banking industry.
Smit's employer VVOJ in 2005 organized the third Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Amsterdam, and Smit has since contributed to GIJC's editions at Toronto (2007), Lillehammer (2008), Geneva (2010), Kiev (2011) and Rio de Janeiro (2013). She sat on the Global Shining Light Award jury (2010) and the Daniel Pearl Award (2010, 2011, 2013).
In 2012, Smit lead a team of over 80 European journalists to compile the report Deterrence of fraud with EU-funds through investigative journalism in EU-27. The report was written on request of the European Parliament's Budgettary Control Committee, with Smit as principal author.
Smit is a member of Investigative Reporters and Editors IRE, the Global Investigative Journalism Network and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists ICIJ. She is a board member of Journalismfund.eu.
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