Thierry Cruvellier is the Editor-in-Chief of Justice Info, the leading news website on international justice created in 2015 by Fondation Hirondelle. For about thirty years, he has reported on trials for crimes against humanity and genocide, from Rwanda to Sierra Leone, from the former Yugoslavia to Cambodia and Colombia. He has been an Op-ed contributor to The New York Times, a 2003 recipient of the prestigious Nieman Foundation Fellowship for Journalism at Harvard University. He taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), and is the author of three books: Court of Remorse (Le Tribunal des vaincus, Calmann-Lévy, 2006) on Rwanda's genocide trials, The Master of Confessions (Le Maître des aveux, Gallimard, 2011) on the Khmer Rouge trials in Cambodia, and Promised Land (Terre promise, Gallimard, 2018), a tale on the extraordinary resilience of the Sierra Leonean people over the past forty years.
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