Peter Cunliffe-Jones

International Fact-Checking Network

Peter Cunliffe-Jones is senior adviser to the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), and a senior visiting research fellow at the University of Westminster. In more than 25 years as a journalist, most of it for the AFP news agency, he reported on the wars in Bosnia and Croatia, the end of military rule in Nigeria and was AFP chief editor for Asia-Pacific for three years from 2003. In 2012, he founded Africa's leading independent fact-checking organisation, Africa Check, and ran it until May 2019. As senior adviser to the IFCN, he led the 2019 review of its Code of Principles, adopted by 80 fact-checking organisations worldwide. At University of Westminster, he is co-director of a new programme on media freedom and trust. He has written for numerous media. His book My Nigeria – Five decades of independence (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).was called “a triumph” by Chinua Achebe. He was a fellow of the Shuttleworth Foundation from March 2016 to February 2019.

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