The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter, by following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.
Suspicion machines: an investigation by Lighthouse Reports and WIRED. Unprecedented experiment on welfare surveillance algorithm reveals discrimination. Daniel Howden and Dhruv Mehrotra will be #ijf23 speakers
Women and leadership in the news media 2023. Analysis of the gender breakdown of top editors in a strategic sample of 240 major online and offline news outlets in 12 different markets across five continents.
Q&A: Anup Kaphle of Rest of World, three years in. One of the most significant insights that I’ve carried from my previous journalism experiences is that who gets to tell the story really matters.
AP’s journalism from Mariupol ‘saved tens of thousands of civilians’. AP journalists were the only international team to remain in Mariupol when it was under siege. Mstyslav Chernov, Evgeniy Maloletka and Vasilisa Stepanenko will be #ijf23 speakers
A fake news frenzy: why ChatGPT could be disastrous for truth in journalism. A platform that can mimic humans’ writing with no commitment to the truth is a gift for those who benefit from disinformation. We need to regulate its use now. Emily Bell will be a #ijf23 speaker
How to report under a dictatorship: lessons from Nicaragua and beyond. Nicaraguan journalist Carlos F. Chamorro delivered the 2023 Reuters Memorial Lecture. Here’s the transcript of his talk.
“I don’t pay my licence fee to have the news read by a foreigner.” It’s been 20 years since I was taken off-air at BBC London due to my foreign accent. I was told diversity didn’t apply to me. 40% of Londoners are now foreign-born, but that attitude hasn’t changed. Barbara Serra will be a #ijf23 speaker
Learn these lessons from top CEOs: During times of change, successful bosses adapt and exhibit service-minded leadership. Leaders at all levels should take note. Explore here.

How Mother Jones successfully operates a nonprofit national news outlet in the US. CEO Monika Bauerlein shares her view of benefits and limitations of the nonprofit model – and her lessons for other nonprofit outlets.
How WIRED will use generative AI tools. Some publications are already using text and image generators. Here’s how WIRED will—and won’t—use the technology.
How journalism can uncover women’s hidden stories within the cost of living crisis. The third part on a three-part series covering key findings from From Outrage to Opportunity: How to Include the Missing Perspectives of Women of All Colors in News Leadership and Coverage. Luba Kassova will be a #ijf23 speaker
What’s your media job: data journalist. Interview with Sondre Ulvund Solstad, Senior Data Journalist at The Economist. Sondre Solstad will be a #ijf23 speaker
Guide to investigating disability issues. This guide is everything you need to know when covering the disability community.
Libel tourism. Last May, I was invited to the Ministry of Justice to take part in a discussion of SLAPPs. I was ushered into a small, airless room with a group of other journalists and civil servants. Nothing would be attributed, we were assured, but our comments could be used to inform a consultation on reforming the law to prevent SLAPP cases.
Image credit: Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash