Alessia Candito

Corriere della Calabria

After many years of freelancing in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, Alessia Candito returned to her native Calabria in Southern Italy to put professionalism and experience at the service of her homeland. She writes for Corriere della Calabria, where she describes what happens in the tormented city of Reggio Calabria. Her first book, Chi comanda Milano, was re-edited in an updated version of Il Sole 24 Ore and included in the OraLegale series. In the past she has contributed to Italian and international newspapers such as the Pan American TV channel Telesur, the Ansa agencies (Madrid and Beirut), Agi, the all-news broadcaster Rainews24, the Venezuelan newspaper Últimas Noticias, the weekly Carta and the newspaper Liberazione. She also has made several investigative documentaries for regional Calabrese TV (Reggiotv), two of which - Sciura Ndrangheta and Gnura ndrangheta - are respectively focused on the penetration of the ndrangheta in society and in the Calabrian and Lombard political class. The on-going Nakba, her third documentary, is a tribute to the forgotten tragedy of Palestinian exile in Lebanon.

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