Franco Lorenzoni

founder Casa-Laboratorio di Cenci

Franco Lorenzoni is an elementary school teacher and founder in 1980 in Amelia of the Casa-Laboratory of Cenci, a center for educational experimentation on ecological, scientific, intercultural and inclusion themes. He contributes to various magazines, including Internazionale and Gli Asini. He directed the documentary Elementare, and contributed to L'acqua tra cielo e terra and È meglio che pensi la tua (RaiPlay). He received two honorary degrees from the Bicocca University of Milan and from the University of Palermo, while with Roberta Passoni for his work with the Casa-Laboratorio di Cenci he won the Lo Straniero Prize. He is the co-author with Roberta Passoni of Cinque passi per una scuola inclusiva (2019) and author of I bambini pensano grande (2014; 2021) and I bambini ci guardano (2019).

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