Jo Beverley

campaigner against domestic violence

Jo Beverley is the sister of Natalie Hemming, a 31-year-old mother-of-three who was murdered by her partner in 2016.

Natalie Hemming was beaten to death in the lounge of her home in Milton Keynes, UK by her partner. He then removed the body from the house. When the three children got up the next morning, he claimed their mother had left the house during the night while they were asleep.

Natalie's family use the #wearehervoice hashtag on Twitter in her memory. “Natalie doesn’t have a voice anymore. We’re it,” says Jo. “And there are lots of women out there that don’t have a voice either because of what has happened to them or because they’re living in fear of domestic abuse. By doing this, we are Natalie’s voice and we are being the voice of those women out there who don’t have it.” Natalie's daughter Kirstie has appeared in the BBC2 documentary Behind Closed Doors: Through the Eyes of the Child which examines domestic abuse from a child’s perspective.

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