Nazan Ozcan

freelance journalist

Nazan Özcan is a Turkish journalist and former front-page editor at the newspaper Cumhuriyet, where she worked when the government arrested 12 of her colleagues, including the editor-in-chief. She started working as a journalist in 1997 as a reporter with Radikal daily, covering social problems such as women’s rights, violence against women, honour killings and children’s and minority rights, as well as the Kurdish issue. Later, after the closure of Radikal for political reasons, she worked for Agos weekly, founded by the murdered Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. There, she also covered the Kurdish issue and minority rights, especially regarding Armenians in Turkey. More recently, she was a journalist-in-residence with the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom in Germany. Presently, she works as a freelancer and podcaster, covering issues like cults in Turkey, violence against women and press freedom.

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