Raffaella Cosentino

RAI Sicily

Raffaella Cosentino is a journalist for Tgr Rai in Sicily and a documentary film director. She is a former human rights reporter and former freelance investigative journalist for BBC, Repubblica, L’Espresso and others. She was editor for Media Diversity projects such as Parlare Civile handbook (edizioni Bruno Mondadori 2013) and Questione di Immagine. She wrote the book Immigrazione (Città Nuova, 2016)

She won the “Ivan Bonfanti” prize (2011), “Gruppo dello Zuccherificio” investigative journalism award (2012), Gianluca Congiusta award (2017) at RiaceInFestival, and Pietro Di Donato award (2017) over working conditions and exploitation.

Her documentary films include Eu 013 The last frontier (2013), Sul fronte del mare (2016), Terre Impure (2017).

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