Sandro Orlando

Rizzoli Corriere della Sera

Sandro Orlando is a journalist and author of the Rizzoli Corriere della Sera Group. After nearly 25 years of journalism, as foreign correspondent and investigative reporter, he is today staff writer of Style, the monthly magazine of Italian daily Corriere della Sera, for which he writes travel stories, books reviews and art columns.

Recently he travelled with the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok to write a feature about the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.

In 2016 his reportages from Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Asmara (Eritrea), Tahiti, Ethiopia and Myanmar have been published in several magazines such as D la Repubblica and Sette, for which he is a regular contributor.

In 2015 he has retraced for the weekly L’Espresso Mao's Long March during the Chinese civil war. In 2014 he travelled overland from Istanbul to the Chinese province of Xinjiang, along the new commercial roads opened through Central Asia. In 2012 he drove across China for two months, following the old route described by Marco Polo in his Travels.

In the 1990s he has worked as freelance journalist in Berlin, Sarajevo and Moscow, before moving to Milano. In 2000 he started a digital magazine (Nexplora), and since then has been in the editorial staff of Corriere Economia, Il Riformista and Il Mondo. He has published three books.

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