Subramaniam Vincent

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics SCU

Subramaniam (Subbu) Vincent is Director for the Journalism and Media Ethics program at Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, California. His focus is on developing tools and frameworks to help advance new norms in journalism practice, ethical news product design and new vocabulary and signals to help the public process and demand ethical media. He is the author of Understanding the Demand-side of Misinformation and Analyzing Solutions, a chapter in the upcoming book Fake News: Real Issues in Modern Communication, to be published by Peter Lang in January 2020. During 2017-18, Subbu was Tech Lead for The Trust Project at the Markkula Center.

Prior to working for the Center, he was a 2016 John S Knight fellow at Stanford University. In his media career, he was publisher and editor-in-chief for two news magazines in Bangalore, India. Prior to that, he was a software engineer in Silicon Valley.

For the 2020 IJF panel Should journalists and news media help depolarize society? Subbu will represent applied ethics, synthesizing inclusion as an ethical principle and its limits in journalism, and applying Jonathan Haidt's Moral Foundation Theory, with recent neuroscience findings.

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